joi, 12 septembrie 2013

Am uitat cum e sa scrii

Back in action, vorba romanului. Am si uitat ca am blog... Drept urmare, pentru ca nu vreau sa sterg ce am scris pana acum, va rog respectuos sa nu cititi alte postari in afara de aceasta :)) 
Cam ce s-a intamplat in ultimii 3 ani(!!!!!) de cand nu am mai scris: pai
 - i got a job, quit my job, got another one
 - working in PR just as I always wanted
 - had a boyfriend, I dumped him, had another boyfriend, he dumped me(I guess...), and the story continues - I've become addicted to movies and Tv series
 - been to lots of concerts ( Eros Rmazzotti, my love, Andrea Bocelli, Buena Vista Social Club, Yanni...) 
- I had lots of dreams, they vanished, I won't to that mistake again 
- I drunk wine, tequilla,
 -I did the most stupid thing in my life
 - ........
Tot nu stiu de ce m-am apucat de, nu e blog, iaca e o pagina pe care scriu si eu sa nu vorbesc singura. Ce ar mai fi de zis...maine incepe Plai Festival la Timisoara, I love ZAZ, sper sa ajung. That's it, revin, sper ca nu imi va lua tot asa de mult timp. D.

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